Thursday, March 22, 2007

Week 4-tasks

Lecture: Someone tipped the boss that the lectures have not been that good. Worse luck, that the tutorials were to easy?
Not liking this so much. The net is playing up and I suck at finding things on both the net and via library. Here goes nothing.

GU Library Catalogue, Database and Internet Searches

A.) Full text Database search and find three academic articles related to the topic for your first essay.
Write a report to post to blog.

What keeps online customers repurchasing through the internet?

New tec on medical world

B.) Scavenger Hunt

1. The weight of the world’s largest pumpkin:
People started to grow big pumpkins more than 100 years ago. About 20 years ago, Howard Dill decided to have a contest. He brought his biggest pumpkin to the contest. It weighted 438 pounds. Every year, people brought bigger pumpkins. Two years ago, another pumpkin grower set a world record. His pumpkin weighted 1,061 pounds!

2. Best way to contact Grant Hacket:

3. Length of a giraffe’s tongue:
Can be as long as 20 inches

4. Ontology:
A systematic account of Existence.

5. David Cronenberg’s first feature film:
Career: After making two short films, made first feature, Stereo, 1969;

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